Friday, March 5, 2010


The trolleybus is quite common in Urban Ukraine. Before my motorcycle came ashore I used them in Киев. The ticket cost the equivalent of about $0.18

The longest route I know of goes over the mountain pass between Симферополь and the South coast of Крым. (Crimea) They are electric powered and climb uphill slowly.

They have rubber tires, a steering wheel and a driver. There are two overhead power lines for a "track" and two electrodes on each bus. These are long and pivot, allowing the driver to use multiple lanes. The only thing he can't pass is another trolleybus using the same overhead lines. On the pass from Симферополь to Ялта there are twin sets of power lines to facilitate passing.

The driver must "exaggerate" at points of divergence to urge the electrodes to follow. There are ropes attached to the ends of them and to recoil spools on the back of the bus. With these the driver can pull them down to disengage/reengage them. When broken down they are supposed to get over to the right and stow the electrodes on the roof.

Environmentalists should approve of electric buses.

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