Saturday, March 13, 2010


We got to Simferopol (Сімферополь in Ukrainian) by default. I expressed an interest in seeing it. I had perused it with Google Earth because I was exchanging email with a lady, there. By the time I could get there I expected not to meet her.

People who are ignorant of motorcycles tend to fear them. This is especially true of women who are offered an opportunity to pack. (passenger) Жанна was a complete novice. What a way to get your feet wet! She was a real trouper.

Packing behind a rider like me on an high speed run through Southern Ukraine took some guts. I was trying to be gentle. But, Ukraine has some bad roads and aggressive drivers. It is unsafe to be too timid. One must dance and dice with the best of them.

We were already in Крым (Crimea) when we decided she had enough. To be honest, I prefer to ride solo. Симферополь is a great place to catch a train to Киев. (Київ in Ukrainian) The trains are great in Украина. (Ukraine. Украіна in Ukrainian) A sleeper berth in a four bunk compartment is quite reasonable.

I was riding solo, again. But, we stayed in touch via mobile phones.

Симферополь is a nice place, but not spectacular. To me, it isn't the night life party town that Одесса or Киев are. It is central to Крым and a great home base for a few days while touring Ялта and other places nearby.

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