Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stay in Зализный Порт

Of course, my first order of business in Зализный Порт was to find trouble. Or, shall we say, allow trouble to find me? (there is a blues song about this)

My very affectionate name for where I live is: "Buzzardbreath" and I have even done an overnight in Shoshoni, Wyoming. I didn't mind the little cow town we just came from. But, I had business back in Wyoming and there was only so long I could go without Internet. Therefore, in pursuit of an Internet cafe, I found her.

Her English was quite good, she knew where there was Internet access, she was blond, blue and in a bikini. We hopped on my bike and took a little ride. She helped me negotiate some computer time and find a browser in Russian, etc.

Upon our return and a few photos later, I was parking my bike in the courtyard when I heard a "Voice From Above." "Ron! Come here! Now!!" That was Жанна hanging off the balcony. I had some explaining to do.

Зализный Порт is a pretty good party town, day and night. It wasn't long before we found our favorite food and watering holes. We also had a bunch of new friends and drinking partners. I didn't mind that they were all women.

I bought the girls roses. I think the young boys hawking them picked them right outside the door of the cafe.

We were there for about four days. We had a wonderful time. This place has all the trappings of Spring Break.

I got my laundry done. Жанна found a salon next to the cafe. She had her nails and hair done. Then, we departed for Крым.... (Crimea)

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