Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Виноград (Grape)

In the low mountain valleys of Ukraine there are vineyards. Too bad I'm not a connoisseur of вино. (wine)

For me, it's gotta be пиво. (beer) Ukraine will not disappoint the beer lover in the least. But, I am certain a person could enjoy a road trip to the various wineries for a wine tasting tour.

What I love about the entire South coastal area of Ukraine, along the Черное Море, (Black Sea) are the courtyards of all the places we found lodging. Urban or rural, they all had grape arbors or else grape vines seemingly growing wild.

We weren't looking for гостиници. (hotels) These were certainly no Mediterranean Chateaux. But, they had a cozy Mediterranean feel to them. I enjoy being able to park my motorcycle in a courtyard near my door and the freedom to come and go, leisurely.

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